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Showing Entries for 2011



Kathy Kuyper

We held our elections in November and our newly elected officers are below.  In addition, we have Jane Hittinger as Membership Co-Chair and Joan Miley as Facilities.

Jean Vance conducted our November program.  She showed us how to get some really dark darks and explained how she paints around her subject for a dramatic contrast.

Jean is a lovely and talented woma...

Left to right:  Sue Grogan, Joan Ammerman, Ritzi Junker and Rhonda Carpenter.

Here are the winners of our fall show at Evergreen Retirement Center.

Minutes October 5, 2011

The meeting was held at the site of our fall show, Evergreen. The facility staff provided pastries and drinks for breakfast, as well as a lunch.

Administration & Business

Greater Cincinnati
Watercolor Society
Minutes August 3, 2011

Eileen Hulsman called the meeting to order. Before the meeting started, she had distributed papers for all present to write in names for peo...

 Eden Park - Sue Grogan

Here is our press release for our upcoming watercolor show in September.  Hope you can make it!

August17, 2011
Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society
Contact Person:  Sharon Cranston, Evergreen Retireme...

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