How long have you been a member of the GCWS and why did you join?
I have been a member since 2015. I joined as part of my desire to reach out from my private interest in watercolor and begin to network and see what kind of watercolor community existed in Cincinnati. After being part of an on-line watercolor group for years, I wanted to meet with people in my area.
Have you held any positions with the GCWS; if so, what positions?
I am only just recently installed as Secretary of GCWS.

What are some of your artistic achievements?
Ohio Watercolor Society Show 2015 – Award of Distinction
Ohio Watercolor Society Show 2016 – OWS Choice Award
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society Show 2015 – Philadelphia Reciprocal Award
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society Show 2016 – Juror’s Award and People’s Choice Award
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society – Signature Status 2016
Kentucky Aqueous Show 2015 – Purchase Award - Brown – Forman Award
Kentucky Aqueous Show 2016
Art Comes Alive Show 2016 – Watercolor Artist of the Year
Viewpoint 48 Show 2016
2015 Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society Show – 2nd Place
2016 Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society Show – Not eligible for Award
2017 Transparent Watercolor Society of America Show
Describe your usual procedures for creating a painting.
I typically try to spend time in certain environments to “hunt” for images. My favorite environments have been, rural settings, urban settings and off the typical beaten path. I find interest in gritty, real scenes that no one else find interesting or beautiful. I look for unique relationships, images, compositions and most importantly, stories that need to be told. The places I look evolves over time and as my interest moves from subject to subject. Sometimes I am in the right place at the right time. For me, it’s about finding and seeing. I often find multiple images that I combine together as I try to pull the story together in a composition. I will edit images, change lighting or in some cases, invent elements to complete the scene.
How long have you been painting?
I have been painting in watercolor regularly for the past 15 years. I have been seriously painting in watercolor for almost 10 years.
In what medium, other than watercolor or acrylic, do you work?
In the past as an architectural illustrator, I have worked in gouache. I also dabbled in oils and acrylics many years ago. I do not currently work in any other media.
Where do you get your inspiration for paintings?
As I mentioned, I like to find my inspiration in the backwater of society or in older, forgotten parts of our world. I already know what is pretty and beautiful in the world. I can’t compete with our creator as he reveals his creation to us. I seek to find stark reality and-in-your face images that have their own power and resonance.
Are you a teacher?
Officially, no but as I have been able to learn from so many people far and wide, I am glad to share what I know with anyone in a conversation. Everyone can teach and learn from those they come into contact with.
Where do you see yourself in the future? (i.e., is painting a hobby; will you enter shows; do you see yourself teaching?)
Since becoming an empty nester, I thought that I could use watercolor as a new frontier for me to explore. Whether it’s just as a hobby or as something more. I am concentrating on casting my net as far as I can and absorbing as much as I can. I want to meet the masters of the medium and learn where they came from and how they think. I want to find new sources of inspiration. I want to explore new shows. Ultimately, I want to keep my enthusiasm for watercolor moving in an inspired and progressive direction. As Dr. Seuss once said, “Oh the Places You’ll Go !”
Is there anything else you would like for us to know about you and your art?
I would like to think that my journey is not just for myself. I have met many wonderful people and that is what keeps me going. I look forward to new experiences and vistas.